Silence! Whose out there pray tell? There’s something in the mist! Shut the doors! This is like a dark rainy night at the Bates hotel. Hey hey whattaya say? There’s visual profanity here on display. Nestles. Snickers, M& M’s….o my! The Mothman prophecies did aim to please and didn’t have to try. I came as soon as I heard there were disturbing hallucinations and a strong propensity for speaking in tongues. Am I over-qualified? What’s next….castigating evolution and praying for George W. Bush? Religious zealotry and brainwashing has never been more frightening. Ba-dum ba-dum…ba-dum ba-dum…redrum...trick or treat! Anyone disappointed the world has failed to stem efforts for an invasion from Mars? This may involve a tale of two sisters in 2 separate cities or something akin to Lecter versus Starling or Leatherface displaying the grace of an off Broadway ballet dancer with his signature shriek.

Take spinning heads, add some vile expletives and buckets of green vomit then mix one skinless escapee from Hell, a sexy heroine and an evil Rubik’s cube and whattaya get? Certainly not a group of demons clad in bondage gear who literally tear their victim’s limb from limb like defiant adolescents smashing pumpkins! Think of the societal implications of a country torn wide open by biological warfare. Have we just had a conversation without opening our mouths? The devil didn’t go down to Georgia, his form skyrocketed at the box office, filling a menacing void, as the world continues to be overrun with the undead...again and again.
Beware! Arachnophobia is not 4 pair of 8 hairy legs creepy crawling, coming your way on a Mediterranean beach today. You’d think the people would’ve had enough of ghoulish word games. I look around me and I see it isn’t so…o no! If you could spare any extra imagery to create a deeply unsettling tone…wait until black goo comes out of the toilet you’ve just scrubbed with magic bubbles and the buzzing flies appear out of nowhere. Then a creepy voice will tell an ordained priest to “get out” and a specter with glowing red eyes will peer through the newly installed Anderson windows, which are still in the process of being financed, much to your chagrin.

Turns out vampires are a lot like cockroaches and Oompa Loompas may be construed as freaky but attaining a place of honor at a druidic ceremony inside the wicker man can not benefit anyone but the aforementioned. Scream now, while there’s still room to breathe. I think I must have one of those faces you can’t help but believe. If only I could think…all these people dying in the desert…of thirst? Gawd, I’d give my soul for a drink!
There’s always the darker side of human nature to contend with like mutant teletubbies covered in mucus, visceral, gritty and more than a bit graphic. A turn of the screw leads the Film Edition back to you. Imagine Johnny Deppgetting swallowed by his own bed and spit out again in a giant spray of blood. This could lead a lonely widower to make some bad choices when it comes to affairs of the heart. I could start with Jamie Lee Curtis in the closet in conjunction with another hapless hero defending themselves from hordes of oncoming demons and no-one would immediately think of change.

Why is this family so strange? Why do they keep insisting I sleep? What are these strange plants suddenly sprouting up? These may all be good questions to ask when standing at the Gates of Hell with human morality as your one and only subject.
Dead ant! Dead ant! Think twice before stepping on that helpless insect…next thing ya know they’ll be feeding on the locals.
Now, do you want to be buried…in a pet cemetery? Where on Earth could one find a bloody creature birthed from a human surrogate? All work and no play makes Jack more than a dull boy, just ask Bleed. Cue the Michael Myers music and the necessary quota of heavy breathing, black blood and phantasmagoric preschoolers. There is also a crew stationed at an Antarctic base being stalked by a shape shifting alien with more than your standard fare of stomach churning spiritual transformations.

The Phaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantom of the opera is there….inside my mind! So isn’t Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The birds are coming. Ghost writer to Ground Control, do you copy? Imagine the horror of sending the wrong copy! A conspiracy theory brews and gains speed and is said to be at the races, but prey on corpses? Who has the time? I have a good mind to make or honor this as Holy; of the people, by the people, for the people wandering, wanting, haunting a particular U.S. poet who wrote a song about a large black bird with a harsh call that happens to be related to the crow. Never-mind! Who has neither the time nor the mind of inclination for a chill that runs the length of a finely structured spine or to pursue prey as if they held the
title to Camp Crystal Lake? It would take a lot more hours in the day. Any evil demon knows that!

Now, since we are already a few days late for Halloween, let's get back into the spirit by trying to figure out what Halloween time movie the following quotes came from. Just leave your answers in the comment section and let's see if we can get all 10 this week!
Blood-N-Bolts Productions would like to wish you luck and thank you for playing Name that Film!!

2. "Maybe we're gonna have a big earthquake. They say things get really weird just before."
3. "You killed your mother! You left her alone to die!"
4. "OOOHHH! You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!"
5. "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in."
6. "Oh brother! You're something! You put me in a spin."
7. "Your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. Somebody had to write a book about it."
8. "The old way...with a sledge. See that was better, they died better that way."
9. "Will you murder and mother and her child, to save yourself?"
10. "Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make."

Thanks again to bloodredsox for this weeks amazing intro and to all the players who help us stay motivated to keep knocking this thing out. Remember to check out The Blood Blog for more of blood's unique style.
Happy Belated Halloween!

(My youngest son on his first Halloween)
1 - The Omen.
That's all I've got.
Glad y'all are here.
Thanks for playing Bev!! Unfortunately, number 1 is not The Omen. Keep on trying!
1. Halloween
5. The Shining
7. Scream
Nice work Bleed! I had you penciled in for number 5, but you knocked out two more! THanks for playing!!
1. Halloween: "I realized that what was living behind that boy's eys was purely and simply evil."
Answered By: BleedPRPLnGOLD
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ-gGq-v4-4
5. The Shining: "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in."
Answered By: BleedPRPLnGOLD
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TVooUHN7j4
Hey Bolt,
I clicked on the link you have for my blog (Which I appreciate you posting btw) but it takes you to the wrong writers blog...try this one instead...Thanks bro
Getting comments at that site is like pulling teeth. Everyone is so spread out now...I really miss the old days at Fox.
7. Scream: "Your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. Somebody had to write a book about it."
Answered By: BleedPRPLnGOLD
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSdf4dgpnjY
Sorry about that Bleed. I think I have it fixed now. I like the blog! It's looks cool. It is hard to get comments like back in the Fox days. My Bleacher Report blog gets a decent amount of reads, but almost no comments. I have one Denver fan who loves to talk smack. He may not be there this week. lol
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't been around in a while,my wife and I just got back from vacation.
Great job as usual and I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.
I had Halloween for #1 and The Shining for #5. This is just a guess, but #8 sounds like it may have come from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Thanks for the game and I'll be lurking for you:)
Great to hear from you again aero! Your guess was absolutely right! Halloween went great here. I hope your vacation went well as well.
Thanks, as always, for playing!!
8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: "The old way...with a sledge. See that was better, they died better that way."
Answered By: aero
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-73BUDHcCCc
Hey Will,
Horror movies are not my milieu so I was shoked when I knew three of the answers.
#10 - I can still see Bela Lagosi saying that line in a movie made about 80 years ago. "Dracula"
#3 might be the last horror flick that I have actually seen. It was one of those flicks that you had to see whether you liked that stuff or not. "The Exorcist"
#4 I'm going to leave this one for your lady followers and their children.
BTW, Your baby is adorable.
Always the gentleman bosox. Very well done for a genre that is not in your sweet spot. You nailed the two you answered and I have no doubt that you have number 4. We'll see if anyone steps up and gets it.
Thanks for the compliment of my son. That picture was taken a long time ago. He is 7 now! My how time flys!
I hope you had a great Halloween!
3. The Exorcist: "You killed your mother! You left her alone to die!"
Answered By: bosox61
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewu1laA2nmI
FYI: The Exorcist was the first DVD that I ever bought.
10. Dracula: "Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make."
Answered By: bosox61
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqej6t29ygc
Dang the only one I knew was #10..not my thing those horror flicks!
Another great intro by BLOOD!
Hear ya all Re:comments these days...hard being all over the map but at least we are all somewhere!
Havent heard from Stork in quite some time...
I guess Halloween is a rough topic for our contestants. Well, we still have four unanswered quotes. Here are some clues to help you out.
2. This is not Edward Scissorhands
4. Good Grief
6. Is this a Halloween movie, or a Christmas movie?
9. This guy's a real tool.
Give them a shot now and see how you do!
I'll give you #4; "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown".
I'll take absolutely no credit for the following answers. I showed the list to my next door neighbor and his teenage son and they came up with the answers.
#2 "Nightmare on Elm Street"
(I never even heard of these two)
#6 "Nightmare before Christmas"
#9 "Saw"
Wow! Bosox, you must live in a movie quote community! Your neighbor was correct on all three and of course you were correct on number 4!
Thanks for almost clearing the board! A little slow this week. I think the genre is not that popular with our little group.
4. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown: "OOOHHH! You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!"
Answered By: bosox61
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmDtWz27ueI
2. A Nightmare On Elm Street: "Maybe we're gonna have a big earthquake. They say things get really weird just before."
Answered By: bosox61's neighbor
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMin2Th8udQ
6. The Nightmare Before Christmas: "Oh brother! You're something! You put me in a spin."
Answered By: bosox61's neighbor
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AS1CbHG-2E
9. Saw: "Will you murder and mother and her child, to save yoursefl?"
Answered By: bosox61's neighbor
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJyvVMgl-p0
Oops! My mistake! We have completed this week's edition! Thanks to those who played and I hope you come back next week for our next edition! Take bosox's example and tell a friend about our game! In fact, wake the kids and call the neighbors!
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