Blood-N-Bolts Productions would like to welcome you to the first time that Name that Film has ever been on, and alone. There is a link to this site on our previous home (, but the switch is official and blogspot is our new home. So, on behalf of bloodredsox and myself (Bolt Backer 21) welcome, and we hope you enjoy the game. This week's edition was brought to you by Klvalus, who suggested horse movies last week. We expanded her idea to movies about, or featuring animals. We hope she does not mind that we took poetic liscence with her idea. Now, here is blood with our intro to this week's edition!

Home, home on the range. You may find this strange but under the sea a horse dreamer, in a dramatic spiral, perhaps the family's black sheep, engages the bashful bachelor (born to the saddle) and a beautiful ebony horse. This holds more value than a meeting of the minds in an octopus's garden...even in the shade! Either way, animals, as created, have it made. Even snakes on a plain or a train can't explain the ways of the wind. Where would they begin? Bark is worse than bite and it's raining cats and dogs out here, plus the passing smells are ripe and rancid. You ken come up on foul stench like a sitting duck...pure luck.
Now, stop monkeying around! Whattaya doing now? O fer Captain's sake, getta doggy-bag! This aint beauty and the least show some may begin at conception but it does not typically end in execution, even amid the age old herding of the cow; one must always bee ready for battle; however slight.
Nemo took Flipper to free Willy exclaiming, "Come all ye big fish. Don't be a jackass you scaredy cats! You'll be worm feed 'fore you know it. Haven't you heard of that cat, Darwin?"

How long you think this can stand under natural law and the process of selection? Man as an animal should be on a very short leash. The solemn finality in the final bull's eye exhausts every possibility...into restless...contemplation...I sure could use a cat nap but how long would that last in the long run, and would the rest prove adequate? This may be the straw that broke the camel's back-feeling like a big fish in a little pond under the watch of a hawk. Both sides of any fruitless discussion end up bartering more than intentioned bald as coots (who it turns out aren't bald at all and never able to let sleeping dogs lie). Keep it up and someones gonna be sleeping with the fishes: sick as dawgs! The tao of Pooh and Scooby Doo says foo but how 'bout Nature's moods of many mockery? Here and now: does fine weather lay a heavier weight on the mind and hearts of the depressed and tormented than a really bad day of dark rain sniveling continuously where the red fern grows? Who knows what hold's value like the stars blazing in the sky. This may be a real boar but we could give universal thought a try? Age has always paid the high price to maturity and belief in a supernatural source of evil is completely unnecessary; man alone as an animal is quite capable.
Danger men working
Never-mind when gathered in assembly, are generally found to be a boisterous barrel of monkey's completely capable of the lion's share of destruction depending on what side of the hedge you've come to look out from...some have even been led to believe they are the cat's meow and can do as they please. Sly feeling silly? Drunk as a skunk? A first place finish at the Prix de Chantilly, France's biggest horse race? A bestial hootenanny could get lusty flesh hoodwinked into hopeful carnal; it's dog eat dog, Dog. The only thing that rules to be real is to steal but a few free glances at the passing masses where the wild things are wishing upon a star, though it is too late to close the stable door once the horse has trotted. It can be spotted miles ken pick up on the scent and follow it. The early bird gets the worm and curiosity has so often killed the cat that it doesn't pay to count your chickens before they hatch. Aint no thing but a chicken wing so sing a simple song instead. Less regrets. You know how we know? A little birdie told the Film Edition and we're getting goose bumps juss thinking 'bout it...we have the memory of an elephant and an elephant never forgets! Take a look at Jaws: a faire is a veritable smorgasbord long after the people have gone. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. 40 days and nights held under the neon glow of bright lights and big city and you can't tell me you're not exhausted? Kills two birds with one stone and takes the bull by the horns because a bird in hand is much better than two in who know what's bush? 
Brother bear, stand clear, we are born free and man by nature is more than a political animal. Lion, tigers and bears, o my! Let's take a moment to recognize the salt of the earth who truly comprehend the rites of endowment and therefore tread lightly burning brightly (the clergy of honor bestows the memory of expression rightly). I don't know how to feel about you lack of a better term...bug off! You will not super-size nor fry me on the open market grill with that kinda spiel. Speaking of such a right, to you, with no further ado or is all hogwash! A strike for liberty does not have to be ruined and perpetually racing downhill on an old warhorse, of course, a horse doesn't havta be! The less on in the rabbit and the hare can't compare to the fun in Run Rabbit Run. Cat gut your tongue? Because of Winn Dixie there are about 101 million more dog movies then there really has to be, yet there is Benji and A Boy and His Dog and Old Yeller sure was a swell feller...aint seen nuttin like 'em but for a few. Warriors come out to play-he-ay! If I...were...KING...of...the FOREEEST: we could walk and talk in peace listening to Coltrane buzz in the courtyard. I would hogtie this pigsty for the price of peanuts and pass out hors d'oevrs like they was the ashes of __________________. Papa may have been a rollin stone but he is not alone. 
(Complications arise from the blue grass of Kentucky to the seven seas and beyond.)
A world class horse whisperer courts a young jockey and convinces him to be all he ken be. Simultaneously, a horse trainer tames and trains the infamous blue fire lady, developing genuine rapport with the likes of Gordy and Garfield, who are content in viewing the great mouse detective over and over with ants intheir pants and happy feet.
Idn't that sweet?
Attention King Kong and all cat people....those among the natural kingdom are all created equal. All dogs go to heaven and he who lies rises with fleas. Now wolf down that gruel and git going cuz we homeward bound now and you gotta do some work! Something sure smells fishy. I tink I smell a rat. There's nuttin quite like the sound of non-judgmental crossing 'round these parts and no such thing as animal tasting or testing, no matter the warrant or pedigree. That type of activity juss will not be tolerated in this here Animal Kingdom.
Hakuna Matata. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. We mean know slander...

Alright, now that you have had some time to get on the same wave length as B&B Productions, let's get on with our game! Remember, we are looking for animal movies! Good luck
Directions: Read the quote below and tell us what movie it came from. Simple huh? We'll see.
By the way, we reserve the right to stretch the definition of the word "animal" for our purposes. Animal, mammal, insect, fowl, rodents, etc... you get the idea.
1. "You know, that was the time I was the most frightened."
2. "What does it feel like to be in love with a horse?"
3. "That's fine. But what happens when she unties the gate and lets the other horses out?"
4. "Frederick, I am beginning to see spots."
5. "Tear it, tear it, tear it!"
6. "George, if I could have a word with you before the Carson show calls?"
7. "You don't throw a whole life away, just because it's banged up a little bit."
8. "You're not as smart as Stewart, but you're the only girl in town."
9. "If God ever wanted to be a fish, he'd be a whale."
10. "We've got to do something about that duck."
As Porky Pig would say, "That's all folks!" Now, let's see those answers! We hope you enjoyed this week's edition of Name that Film. Thanks again to Kristen for her suggestion. Want to have an edition named after you? Just help us out with a new idea to use and you are in!
As always, thanks to bloodredsox for his wonderful intro!
Thanks for playing and we'll see you next week!