In my opinion, yes, the Dodgers look alot like the Cleveland Cavs of baseball. They are a team that is built for a very successful regular season, but not necessarily for the short series that playoffs offer.

That being said, the Cavs didn't have what it took to win in the playoffs. They competed, but fell short. In the NBA playoffs, you need more than one or two guys stepping up and scoring big. You need toughness and a dominant big man in the middle.
The Dodgers have a batter or two who will have success whenever they play. However, they do not have the dominant big man (or men in baseball's case) in the middle to take charge of a series. In baseball, that big man is the pitcher. In my opinion, the Dodgers don't have pitchers who intimedate the other team. I'm talking about guys who are almost a sure win.
Remember when the Diamond Backs had Schilling and Johnson in their rotation? Every game that they pitched in the World Series, the D-Backs won. The games they didn't pitch, the D-Backs lost. I don't see the Dodgers having anyone like those two in their rotation. Even the San Francisco Giants are a scarier opponent in a short season. They have pitching coming out of their ears (and we all know how painful that is)!

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