First of all...I don't have the time and wish you to radio Headquarters and say that you have been captured. It begins here for us on this road. How the whole mess happened we don't know, but we know it couldn't happen again in a million years. Maybe we could have stopped it early, but once trouble was on it's way, we was juss going with it. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we ken buy shaz we don't need. So, don't even think of talkin' ta fact, Mother, tell yer children not to walk my way!
Say, what time is it? Can't find my watch! I think you're way outta line talkin ta me like that. What you're saying is libelous, and you're in no position to challenge my expertise. Did you know equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate may produce napalm? Now, listen, you don't go away one special place, that's cornball style! You juss go. The glow will be waiting, anticipating an attitude of one more or less, Steve McQueen; set in the thick of the scene, knee deep in the mud of bad blood.
Yet our trip was different. It was a classic affirmation of everything right and true in the national character; a gross physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this country. But only for those with true grit; look 'em in the eye and spit. Jah! You tink you're too good for me? Nobody's too good for me! Anybody tinks they're too good for me, I make sure I knock 'em over sometime. Right now I could slap you around to show you how good you are and tomorrow, I'm someplace else and I don't even know you or nuttin. Think I'm bluffing? Ever seen the flaring nostrils of Jack Torrance up close and personal stuck in the craw of your muffin?
One does not require the title of outlaw biker to seek personal justice. Trust us...The Film Edition preys for your think I'm funny how? Like...I amuuse you? Don't make me beat the snot out of yuse with the handle of this BLACK phone or catch you on the street alone...(you feel that sting big boy? That's pride messin wit cha! Chew gutta fight true dat shaz...)
You hear a little girl Frankie? Is that a little girl Ace? What happened to the tough guy who told my friend this blog was dumb? I believe in Death, Destruction, Chaos, Filth, and Greed. The street would kill you and your rhetoric awful quick, on that I am certain. %*#$ off with your sofa units and striped green patterns. I say never be complete. Stop being perfect. Evolve, let the chips fall where they may. Hay-zeus! You got the time? Bad waves of paranoia, madness, fear and loathing-intolerable vibrations in this place. Muss rearrange face. Get out. The weasels are closing in. Find the time. They drew first blood, not ME! I ken smell the fugly brutes a mile away!
Pride sure is a poor substitute for intelligence. I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself FEEEEL better. Take some responsibility! Didn't matter. It didn't mean anything. When I was broke, I'd go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everyone had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. Even a brand new Ford Pinto!
I think I may have broken a rib...but not from giving you oral pleasure. Wolf den this is lone wolf do you read? You know there's more bloggers out there and you know where they are. Find them or I'll find you.
Listen up maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else! ...whether or not what we are experiencing presently is..according to Holy miracle...insignificant. What is significant is the connection and involvment, no matter how seemingly slight. Nothing is static. I heard even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.
One can't juss expect to stroll around town selling "consciousness expansion" without giving a thought to the grim meat hook realities that lies awake for every beligerent blogger.
Emergency water landing-600 miles an hour. Blank faces, calm as hindu cows. Mass society. Materialism. Property. Capitalism. Technology. Social Order. I'm sorry did I break your concentration? Thank Gawd for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk. The idea has been growing in my brain for sometime: TRUE force. All the King's men cannot put it back together again. The days go on and on...they don't end. I see you are no stranger to pain. Do you wish to give your name?
What you muss understand is that we have to interrogate you. There isn't one of us that doesn't want to be someplace else. But this is what we do, who we are.
You miiiind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down? "What" aint no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What? I pray to Gawd if I ever had a greivance I'd have a little more self respect. Our Great War is a spiritual war..we've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionares, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't and we're slowly learning that fact.
If my answers fighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. There is this strong desire for chaos and an urge to destroy something beautiful but we're gonna nurse you back to health anyway. You're strong and you're gonna live a long a cage! And this time for life! I want what they want, what every blogger wants who comes over here and spills their guts...for poetry to love us as much as we love it...and the words to stain every page; a master of Destiny with the best of intentions and of the mind to be on time. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort..and that's the hardest part. Today everything is different; there's no have to wait around like everyone else. Somebody messes with me, I'm gonna mess with him.
Any you boys wanna shoot, now's the time. I know what you're thinking.
"Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

I specifically reminded her-bedside table! On the Kangaroo!
I said the words aloud, "Don't forget my Father's watch." Now I'm thinkin': it could mean this idea is evil. And this blog is ridiculous. Or cencorship is a shepherd for the feeble minded. Or it could mean you are truly righteous for reading til the bitter end and it's the world that's evil and selfish at times.
I'd like that. And that shaz would be the truth.

Directions: Read the quotes below and name the movie they came from. This week you could also name the actor who played the bad ass in that movie. When the correct answer is given, I will give credit to the person who got it right first and then add a link so that you can watch the clip that it came from. That's it! Let's get to it!!!
1. "This is where the law stops.....and I start."
2. "We are a rescue team, not assissins."
3. "This is for Franklin.......You lose."
4. "You might try to kill me."
5. "Lady, do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?!"
6. "There will be no more pills. No more bad food. No more destroyers of my body."
7. "Get three coffins ready."
8. "Someone made me what I am."
9. "Any chance of catching these men?"
10. "I've had my back broke once and my hip twice, and on my worst day I could beat the hell out of you."
Alright contestants, let's see those answers! Some are hard, and some are easy. All are possible and I am sure that you will continue to amaze me by getting all ten once again this week. Keep checking in to find out the ones you didn't know.
Thanks for playing Name that Film and please come back next Tuesday for our next edition!

Sorry, that was real life.
Hey guys, another fine job by blood and bolts productions.
Many of these quotes sound familiar, but as usual my misspent youth has come back to haunt me.
Number seven sounds like an old Clint Eastwood western, but I think he would have needed more than three.
Again my compliments fellas and take care.
Thanks aero! You're thought on number seven is hilarious. You don't know how close you are, in more ways than one.
Thanks for playing!!!
Wild Guesses....
4....Dirty Harry
5....Pulp Fiction
7....High Plains Drifter
Another less wild guess....
All the quotes are by Clint Eastwood!?
Gene, all of those guesses make perfect sense. However, unfortunately, they are all wrong. On the bright side, one of the quotes is from Clint!
THanks for playing!!!
Oops- try again here.
No clue whatsoever on the quotes.
Something to think about- the red used for blood's introduction is a bit difficult to read on the dark blue background. The red used for the quotes is not a problem.
i love tuesdays!! I always get a chance to flex my geek muscle!
1. Cobra- Stallone at his finest in my opinion. Also has a killer chopped Merc in this movie.
2. Predator- Which also answers the question, Name a film with two future governors?
5. Die Hard the original. Much to my wifes chagrin I love the Die Hard movies. 1 and 3 are my favs.
6. Taxi Driver- my opinion, some of Deniro's best work.
i am pretty sure of those. i have a guess for 8. Sounds like another DeNiro in Cape Fear.
nice job as usual bolt. you will have to get blood to come over and holler at us every once in awhile.
Hi Speedy! Thanks for the comment about the red. I think I lightened it a little bit. Did it help? I could go to the same red as the quotes, but then it's not "blood" red. I'll do whatever works best fot the readers.
Thanks for playing!!!
Storkjrc, excellent work my friend!!! All of your confident answers were correct! Only number 8 was wrong. Your clips will follow!
Thanks for playing!!!
PS I sent blood the link, hopefully he'll show up and add his 2 cents.
1. Sylvester Stallone: Cobra: "This is where the law stops.....and I start."
Answered by:storkjrc
2. Arnold: Predator: "We are a rescue team, not assissins."
Answered by: storkjrc
5. Bruce Willis: Die Hard: "Lady, do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?!"
Answered by: storkjrc
6. Robert Da niro: Taxi Driver: "There will be no more pills. No more bad food. No more destroyers of my body."
Answered by: storkjrc
Much better!!!
Oh man I have no idea on any of these...can you do one that focuses on animal movies,horses specifically, ya know, the Black Stallion, Seabiscuit etc...I would hope to get those!
Send me your and bleed's emails so I can get you invited to the exFox bloggers group blog "LugNuts and FanAddicts!"
I guess it wasn't your genre this week Klvalus. Horses huh? "Neigh, Neigh, Whinney!" Do you know that one? lol
Blood and I will have to have a sidebar and see what we can do for you.
Thanks for the suggestion. They are always welcome. Coming up with a theme is the hardest part most weeks.
#4 is "Lara Croft, Tomb Raider"
Hey guys, I just had a flash back, I think #8 is from Blade Runner.
Paul! Yes, number 4 is Lara Croft: Tomb Raider!!!
Nicely done sir! Your clip will follow!
Thanks for playing!!!
Our next game will be next Tuesday morning, but feel free to check back in and see what the other films were.
4. Angelina Jolie: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: "You might try to kill me."
Answered by: Paul
Sorry aero, your flashback was misleading. No Blade Runner this week. Great movie though. Don't worry, I think you were Bourne to get number 8 right in the end.
Okay, I see it is time for some hints! Here we go!
Number 3: The toughest guy in the world, in a sequel.
Number 7: Clint is right, but it doesn't make a handful of cents.
Number 8: You were Bourne to answer this correctly.
Number 9: Sometimes we wish we were dead.
Number 10: Can't have a bad ass collection without this American hero. He wasn't a king, but he was The Duke!
#3 - Terminator II??? I don't know!
#7 - A Fistful of Dollars!!!
#8 - Bourne Supremacy!!!
#9 - I know what it is but I cheated.
#10 - True Grit!!!
Okay Bev, You got one right (number 7), two wrong (1 and 10), and one half right (8). Nice effort all around!
Your clip for number 7 will follow.
Thanks for playing!!!
We still need 3, 8, 9, & 10!
7. Clint Eastwood: A Fistful of Dollars: "Get three coffins ready."~
Answered by: belleofsavannah
Next hints for the remaining...
Bad Asses in each remaining film:
3. Chuck Norris
8. Matt Damon
9. Charles Bronson
10. John Wayne
Hey Will,
I've got some answers.
#9 is "Death Wish"
#10 is "The Cowboys"
#8 is "The Bourne Identity"
I forgot...
#3 is "Missing in Action"
Well bosox, all but one of your answers are correct according to my answer key. However, you are close enough on number 8, so I will give you credit for all four!!!
Thanks to you and everyone for playing. This will be the only site that carries this game next week. I hope to see all of you back.
Your clips will follow!
3. Chuck Norris: Missing in Action 2: "This is for Franklin.......You lose."
Answered by: bosox61
8. Matt Damon: The Bourne Ultimatum: "Someone made me what I am."
Answered by: bosox61
9. Charles Bronson: Death Wish: "Any chance of catching these men?"
Answered by: bosox61
10. John Wayne: Cowboys: "I've had my back broke once and my hip twice, and on my worst day I could beat the hell out of you."
Answered by: bosox61
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